Phenomenology is the basis of existential therapy, a therapy that views a person's awareness as more important than genetics. Logotherapy finds healing through the discovery of meaning. The goal of existential therapy is for the client to comprehend his/her own being and work to know the meaning of life's situations. In addition to Viktor Frankl, Rollo May and Irving Yalom are leaders in the movement.

To grasp existential therapy three words must be understood: Umwelt, Mitwelt, and Eigenwelt.

1. Mitwelt refers to one's relationship with other people

2. Umwelt refers to one's relationship with the environment

3. Eigenwelt refers to one's relationship with himself/herself. In German, the word literally means self-world.

Phenomenology is the direct study of experiences taken at face value. Each person is viewed as having freedom to make decisions and as being responsible for those decisions.

Dimensions of the human condition:

1. Each person has the capacity for self-awareness.

2. Freedom is given for responsibility.

3. Discovering one's identity and establishing meaningful relationships with others is possible.

4. The search for meaning, purpose, values and goals is part of life.

5. Anxiety (normal) is part of life and has the ability to promote growth.

6. An awareness of death exists within each person.

Goals of existential therapy:

1. Increase the client's awareness and understanding of goals, purposes, and responsibility for personal actions

2. Acceptance of freedom

3. Use of normal anxiety to promote growth